I am going to post pictures and writings here more often and eventually… the things I film! I’ve held this space together very loosely since 2015 and have never devoted regular time to it. I have some sort of urge to do this. I think I am the only one who visits here but that is okay. It’s neat to have a log of things to read and look at. If you have found your way here, perhaps you will like it too. Please feel free to leave a comment and say Hello. Otherwise the echo is quite loud :)
I’ve even spent time making a spot at a desk that will entice me to want to sit and take some moments to give words and pictures here. That has seemed to help a lot in making it a special time where I look forward to making some tea, sitting with some candlelight—because I love to do this most in the night time—and just write. I like the spirit of the night. I would stay out all night if I could, but it gets cold and I like to sleep.
While I’ve been working very hard rearranging my studio spaces, I am so eager to get out and explore with my new camera. I do that from time to time, especially when things feel “stuck”… and “stuck” seems to be the theme for awhile now. I move EVERYTHING and scrub and clean down to every little rock—and, I have a lot of rocks—I reset my tables and work benches, clean every tool, put it all back together again, and breathe in the new. That’s what I’ve been doing the past couple of weeks. I’m even painting my walls! While my pretty camera sits and waits. I of course have been taking photos though, and have done the WILD thing of turning my old, still-in-use camera from portrait to landscape, in anticipation of filming. It feels quite like my world has been turned sideways, in good ways. I am seeing things all anew and my dreams have been full of running and recording magic. I cannot wait until that moves from the dreamtime to waking time. My spirit has always seemed to live much ahead of my body, and this is no different.
Here are some landscape pictures from the past few days. Imagine them moving.
A monsoon blowing in from the west
I laid on the ground and studied the storm clouds. The word tempest repeated in my head. I love to paint scenes like this.
Sunflower spirits
The lens that never likes to focus but sometimes I like it that way
But of course Hattie will be joining me on these adventures!
Beeswax light selenite good night