2020 is almost here. It does feel like it's going to be a big year, perhaps it will be the year our visions of our really important dreams we reach for in our lives become real and clear. That is how I like to look at it. And that is what I hope for everyone.
The rabbit
The last year for me was the most challenging for my work, which is pretty much my life because that is the amount of effort I care to put into it. As I have written about before, creating a life that is your own, that is supported by your heart's work—doing things that you are most passionate about—is so very hard for some of us to achieve. This is intimately intertwined to your self, it is absolutely a spiritual journey, and when it is failing, well, it is a lot of work on its own to master the mind and keep rising through the travails. And that is what this year has been about, learning to rise again and again despite whatever extremely stressful things come, so that I can keep going and not fall prey to the shadows that do not stop haunting.
I feel close to the rabbit, an animal that seems to our human perception at such a disadvantage out there among the weather and predators. But they are who I see the most out of all the animal visitors. There are some living nearby, and every morning when I am up and beginning my day, there is the rabbit rising from his home to work through another day too. He is always there. Each night he makes it through a world that we certainly could not survive in, in all of his fine boned, supremely sensitive, highly aware splendor. He outwits what haunts. And each morning I see him, I smile and revere him for his unlikely strength.
If you are feeling this, I hope the new year brings whatever you may need to keep on the path toward your dream. For those of us walking it, we know there is no other place to go. So forge on. We will get there.
Winter Solstice deep in the mountains