Here is a peek into the land that inspires me.
If it calls to your spirit and you hope to visit one day, my hope is that you can.
It is a magic place.
Once Upon a Time in My Backyard
Plactias, New Mexico
—August 2016
Here the immensity, the emptiness, feeds the spirit, and leaves it with no hunger for anything but more space, more light—as if one has suddenly glimpsed the largeness, the emptiness of one’s soul, and come to terms with it, glorying at last in its open freedom.
—David Malouf
Time Keeper
Fajada Butte at Chaco Canyon, NM
It's going to take a bit to process my full moon sojourn into the depths of Chaco. I felt a lot like this rock—leaning back from the power to soak in every thing that was encountered. I could probably sit there for ages the same, nothing but sun and dirt and rocks, listening to whispers, howls on the winds welcoming the strongest feelings I have no words for.
—March 13, 2017
On the Road
Galisteo, NM
Come out of the circle of time, and into the circle of love.
— Rumi
Alabaster Dreams
White Sands, NM
Earthship Land
Taos, NM
“If a world is dreamable, maybe it can be dreamed into being.”
— Ursula Le Guin, Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin
Moon Gazers
Abiquiu, NM
Where I Find You
Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
I return to a meadow and it is here that every worldly care falls away.
The meadow is an earthen womb, surrounded by forest filled with ancient stories.
When I am there, I feel infinite love that delivers me back to this realm in light.
—February 16, 2017
Summiting Wheeler Peak
and hoping to beat a summer monsoon back down (I did!)
Taos, NM
I am often asked if I am not lonely on my solitary excursions. It seems so self-evident that one cannot be lonesome where everything is wild and beautiful and busy and steeped with God that the question is hard to answer.
—John Muir
Yesterday was for processing, among other things, my journey to the top of a very big mountain.
It was the first one I have stood on top of, climbed by myself, while taking the care to go up at my own body's pace. I am ecstatic because I am healthy and strong enough for such a feat, climbing nearly 4,000 very steep feet. I am sore but in the delicious way where the muscles can be felt rejuvenating, becoming stronger, sending the mind and spirit into a new world where there is freedom and true happiness.
We are meant for this. We are given, in our human form, the tools to climb and run and move as wide and high as we want. My body and heart are aching for more. I also got to see marmots, hundreds of them. Guardians of the sky world I like to think of them, observing us making treks into this brand new realm.
Thank you my spirit, and the great spirit, for bringing me here.
—Aug 25, 2016
Rio Grande, NM
If we opened people up, we’d find landscapes.
— Agnes Varda
Sky Spirits
Placitas, NM
Earthly Eden
Somewhere, NM
It is in the earth's temples where questions end
and then—
what do we find there?
and see.
Listening to Aspen Elders
Santa Fe, NM
Autumn Ridge
Sandia Mountains, NM
Free Heart
Taos, NM
Taos Mountains, flowing with abundant green, flowers, waters, animals, wisdom, healing. A true portal into pristine wild Earth. She welcomed me unlike some mountains who feel ferocious or reluctant to speak to humans—those busy places where you can feel the land tired of people—no. Here, I was pulled close to the heart like a mother who said Walk wherever you like, I shall take care of you and show you the way of Earth.
—August 25, 2016
Wild Visitors
Placitas, NM