A Hawk's Medicine
I was gifted with a vision here, but that is mine to keep.
I came upon a young lady hawk eating a catch, still warm, for lunch. I was only feet from her, we were under the same tree. She didn't see me first, so I was able to watch her. Razor beak and ancient unknowable eyes pulled out the gentle rabbit's entrails, the perfect sweet fur I love so flying everywhere. The inside of the head was the final treasured treat. It was furious and primal, painful and illuminating.
Kya caught wind, ran to investigate, and the hawk took off. The loudness of her wings in flight was startling. I felt their wind when she was ten feet away. She followed us as we walked away, curious and hopping along branches close to me, watching and tilting her head. It felt as if she forgot about her meal and found us more interesting instead. A powerful bird, and a most beautiful blessing even with death.
Receiving and Offering
The stream flows down and pools into a spot big enough to sit in up to the neck, perfect for a rock to be placed there for sitting. In the entire length I traced, the water is crystal clear, and at the pool a tiny waterfall glints in the sun and keeps the soul flowing, always.
The cottonwoods are young, not as tall as older ones, but thick at the trunk and plenty enough for shade in the heat of midsummer. It is a place that is sacred, and I knew by the whispers and whistles that I am not the only one that shares in visiting. Other than animals and kindred wild folk, I tend to prefer my companions on hikes and dips to be unseen, so that is all okay with me.
During my walk back, I ruminated on what I will give in reciprocity for the gifts I received today. I walked in thanks, reverence, and knowing.